Dining philosophers, deadlock example in C POSIX THREADS

I would like to introduce my series of C sandbox stuff. Only for fun, definitely no-production and not clean code :)

I tried to implement dining philosophers problem in perspective of black scenarios. First on the list is deadlock. According to wikipedia "...deadlock is a situation in which two or more competing actions are each waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does."

So let's start, here's the sample philosopher code:
void *philosopher_deadlock(void *p) {
    struct philosopher_t philosopher = *((struct philosopher_t *) (p));
    while (1) {
        if (!pthread_mutex_lock(&chopstick[philosopher.left])) {
            printf("%d pick up's left chopstick \n", philosopher.nr);
            while (1) {
                if (!pthread_mutex_lock(&chopstick[philosopher.right])) {
                    printf("%d pick up's right chopstick, happy bastard, EAT \n", philosopher.nr);

After a seconds of execution we have a deadlock situation:
1 pick up's left chopstick 
1 pick up's right chopstick, happy bastard, EAT 
1 pick up's left chopstick 
1 pick up's right chopstick, happy bastard, EAT 
1 pick up's left chopstick 
2 pick up's left chopstick 
4 pick up's left chopstick 
3 pick up's left chopstick 
Full code here: https://github.com/khipis/c-unix-sandbox/blob/master/philosophers/philosophers_deadlock.c


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